Guest Speakers

Programme of Speakers 2025:


               14  Robert Patman (Professor,  Department of Politics, University of Otago)

                     How the Veto Powers of the Permanent United Nations Security Council Members are

                     Destabilising Global Security

               28   Russell Frew (Chief Scientist, Oritain)

                     Verification of Origin to bring Transparency to Trade


               14  Laurence Fearnley (Award Winning Novelist and Short Story Writer)

                    The Five Senses project: Laurence Fearnley's quest to write five novels based on

                    scent, touch, sound, sight and taste


Programme of Speakers 2024:


               9  John Harraway (Honorary Associate Professor,  Mathematics and Statistics,  University of Otago)

                   An invite to Yunnan Province in China to talk at a conference on the origins of the

                   medicinal plant Ginseng, and experiences traveling in China

            23   Brian Tegg (Retired Secondary School Principal, and Ministry of Education Property Advisor)

                   100 Years of Secondary Schoolbus Services in new Zealand, and the replication of the

                   first school bus "Paemako"


               8   Hannah Kessenich (Doctoral Student, Department of Physics,  University of Otago)

                    Unravelling Recent Trends in the Anatarctic Ozone Layer

           22    Dr Ali Hill (Senior Professional Practice Fellow, Department of Human Nurtition, University of Otago)

                   Eating for Healthy Ageing


             5   Paul Donovan (Former camera operator, Natural History New Zealand)

                    Filming some of the World's Wildlife

                   Followed by 101st Annual General Meeting of the University Club

           19     Professor Emerita Nicola Peart (Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                    Family Property Law: out of step with society's expectations?

                  Followed by Special General Meeting of the University Club


             3   Dr Donald Kerr (Heritage Collections Librarian, Dunedin Public Libraries)

                     Left vs Right: the battle of the book clubs (1936-1951)

           17    Cam McCracken (Director, Dunedin Public Art Gallery,  Toitū Otago Settlers

                    Museum,  Lan Yuan Dunedin Chinese Garden and Olveston Historic Home)

                    The international art market, Nazi plunder(?) and the Dunedin Public Art Gallery

31    Paul McIntyre (Editor-in-Chief, Otago Daily Times)

                    Trust in the Media: Social Media v Legacy Media


             14   Antony Hamel (Author of the book 'Dunedin Tracks and Trails: an Illustrated Guide')

                    Dunedin Tracks - Update on the use of tracks by tourists and locals


             12   Gretchen Kivell (Former Head of Toroa and Abbey Colleges, University of Otago)

                    Textiles from Uzbekistan

            26    Sandy Elkin (Lecturer in Bioethics and Health Law, University of Otago, New Zealand Medical 

                    Council Investigator)

                    Rwanda: Reflections of an Accidental Tourist


               9    Jules Radich (Mayor of Dunedin City)

                     Vision for Dunedin

             23    Dr Viktoria Kahui (Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Otago)

                     Should nature own itself? Comparing Rights of Nature case studies worldwide


               6    Sean Brosnahan (Curator, Toitu Otago Settlers Museum)

                     The Journey to New Edinburgh film project: behind the scenes

             20   Alan Matchett (Curator - Dunedin Botanic Garden)

                    Dunedin Botanic Garden - Planning for its Future


            18   Austen Banks (Club Member, Past President)

                  My 5 weeks as a Solivagant (Defined by dictionaries as a solitary wanderer)


              1    Patrick Mahoney (Chief Commercial Offcer, Escea Foreplace Company)

                      Fire for Life

              15    Jim McQuillan (Emeritus Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                      Burns Park Scenic Reserve: Rediscovered Gem within Dunedin City

             29    Gill Brown (Principal Policy Advisor for Housing, Dunedin City Council)

                     Housing in Dunedin - some challenges and solutions


             13      John Drummond (Emeritus Professor of Music, University of Otago)



Programme of Speakers 2023:


               3  Dr Ross Grimmett (Club Member, retired Professor of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                   "Adolf Hitler: My Part in his Downfall" - memories of a childhood in Dunedin during World War II

              17  John Matheson (Retired Orthopaedic Surgeon)

                    The Science and Art of Orthopaedics


                 3   Dr Donald Kerr (Former Special Collections Librarian, University of Otago)

                     Awakening a Curate's Library: the Rev. William Arderne Shoults (1839-1887)

              17   Kevin Winders (Chief Executive, Port Otago)

                     Adapting to Change 

              31    Dr John Holmes  (Club Vice-President)

                     Printing for Pleasure -

                     Followed by 100th Annual General Meeting of the University Club


               14  Dr Pamela Wood (Author and Nurse)

                    New Zealand nursing - through a Dunedin lens, 1880-1950. The key role of Dunedin nurses in changing

                    hospital care, developing new health services to meet emerging needs, and shaping nursing as a profession

              28  Alexandra Cunninghame (Coroner)

                    The Coroner in Aotearoa - Speaking for the dead to help the living


               12  Peter Hayden (Actor, Writer, Director and Producer)

                    Wild South....and other compass points

              26  James Nation (Chief Executive, Sport Otago)

                    Sports and physical activity, and how this shapes people             


               9  Michael Macknight (Co-founder and Director of ADInstruments, and co-founder of MR EMG)

                    MR EMG - from concept to product

              23  Rowan Ellis (Founder of Body Synergy and co-founder of MR EMG)

                    The evolution of MR EMG - a company offering programs to support clinicians in treatment of spinal pain


              18   Dr Jennifer Cattermole (Head of Music Programme, School of Performing Arts, University of Otago)

                     Exploring taonga pūoro – traditional Māori musical instruments


                1   The Very Revd Dr Tony Curtis (Dean of Dunedin, St Paul's Cathedral)

                     The Sympathetic Restoration of an Icon

               15   Dr John Clarkson (retired Dunedin Public Hospital paediatrician and Senior Lecturer in Child Health,

                      University of Otago)

                      My Encounters with Neonatal Intensive Care           

              29   Jane Wilson (Tenancy Tribunal Abjudicator)

                     The Tenancy Tribunal - a journey


              13   Al Robinson (Club Member)

                     Dr Dudley William Carmalt-Jones, Professor of Medicine, University of Otago 

                     and founder of the University Club in 1923

              27   Megha Senthilkumar (St Hilda's Collegiate)

                      Sleep and Adolescents - Winner of Aurora Energy Otago Science and Technology Fair


               10   Professor Bernadette Drummond (Oral Sciences, University of Otago)

                      Fluoride Considerations - Past and Present

               24  Professor Murray Thomson (Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Otago)

                      Watch your mouth - ageing and oral health


               8   Dr Royden Somerville KC (Barrister and former Chancellor of University of Otago 2018-22)

                      Anniversaries and Reminiscences


Programme of Speakers 2022:


                 11   Professor Nancy Longnecker (Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago)

                        Science communication has saved Kiwi lives during the Covid-19 pandemic

                 25   Lorraine Isaacs (Club Vice-President)

                        Grandmother's Lucky Life


                   6   Chris Boyd (Club Secretary and MLitt student)

                        Folklore from the Hebrides Islands, Scotland

                 20   Tahu Mackenzie (Education Officer, Orokonui Ecosanctuary)

                        Lessons from the Living World


                   3   Dr Matthew Schmidt (Senior Heritage Adviser, Department of Conservation)

                        Dunedin's Changing Shoreline: A city built on reclamation

                 17   Professor Emerita Jocelyn Harris (Department of English and Linguistics, University of Otago)

                       The Lost Ring of Philadelphia Hancock, the aunt of Jane Austen


                   1   Dr Anna Campbell (Co-founder, Zesttwellness)

                        Zewstwellness (Plant-based supplements to improve immunity and lung health)

                 15   Ryan Hartigan (Lecturer in Theatre Studies,  University of Otago and Artistic Director)

                        Dollhouse Theatre , the New Athenaeum,  and vision for theatre space in Dunedin 

                29    Sam Purdie  (Environmental Educator, Orokonui Ecosanctuary)

                       Otago's Discrete Denizens


                12   Dr Olivia Harrison (Department of Psychology, University of Otago)

                        Breathing and Anxiety    

                26   John Matheson (Retired Orthopaedic Surgeon)

                       The Hand - Physiology, Philosophy and Pathology


                 9   Peter Bodeker (Regional Director, Ministry for Primary Industries)

                      The Mycoplasma bovis eradication program and foot and mouth disease    

               23   Angus Henderson (Student, University of Otago)

                       Otago University, Covid-19, and the modern age of learning


                7    Charlie Unwin (Dunedin Arts Festival Director)

                      2022 Dunedin Arts Festival

               21    Jonathan Cweorth (Chair of Gasworks Museum Trust)

                      Creative fire: Art and industrial heritage, our problematic past


                4    Sir Jim Mann (Professor in Human Nutrition and Medicine, University of Otago)

                      Question and Answer Session

              18    Nicola Taylor (Director, Children's Issues Centre, Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                      Post separation arrangements  for children, and international child abduction


                2    Melloney Meek (Graduate History Student, University of Otago)

                     Swans and Kiwis: Anna Pavolova in New Zealand in 1926 and her lasting impact on ballet


Programme of Speakers 2021:


               12     Max Quinn (Polar and Natural History Filmmaker)

                       A life of extremes: the life and times of a Polar Filmmaker

              26     Charlie Unwin (Director, Dunedin Arts Festival)

                       Dunedin Arts Festival Programme 9th to 24th April 2021


                12       Marie Bennett (Team Leader - Elder Abuse Response Services, Age Concern Otago)

                         Elder Abuse out of the shadows

               26        Charles Higham (Emeritus Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Otago)

                         With the NHNZ in China: the Making of a Documentary

                          Followed by the 98th Annual General Meeting of the University Club


                  9      Lorraine Isaacs (Club Vice President)

                          Two Years of the Milton Men's Prison Book Club

                23      David McKenzie (Manager - Community Ministries, the Salvation Amy)

                          2021 State of the Nation Report: stories and experiences of what is happening in our community


                  7      Colin Brown (Founder and Former Managing Director, TracMac, agricultural GPS)

                          How Trump got within 40,000 votes of winning the last US election, and why

                          he got 10m more votes than in 2016

                21      Dr Bryan Lintott (Scott Polar Research Institute, University of Cambridge)

                          The Coldest Front: The Central Intelligence Agency and American Antarctic

                          Policy and Operations 1947-59


                  4      Ginny Green (Chief Executive, Otago Community Hospice)

                          Lets talk about dying

                  18      Dan Hendra (Festival Director, New Zealand International Science Festival)

                            The Wonderful World of Science Festivals


                   2      Lucy Marinkovich (Artistic Director, University of Otago Caroline Plummer Fellow in Community Dance)

                           When Dancing is the Answer - based on large-scale theatre production Strasbourg 1518, performed at

                            New Zealand Festival of Arts, focused on dancing for people with Parkinson's Disease

                 16      Peter Hanlin (Former Police Dog Handler, Team Leader of Animal Services, Dunedin City Council)

                           My 27 years as a police dog handler including work with Armed Offenders Squad and Search and Rescue,

                           and work with the Dunedin City Council

                 30      Marc Taddei (Music Director Vallejo Symphony and Orchestra Wellington)

                           Painting a scene with music - two pastoral symphonies



                  13      Ross Grimmett (Club Member)

                            The Vulgar Errors of Sir Thomas Browne

                  27      Meeting Cancelled



                  10      Meeting Cancelled

                  24      Meeting Cancelled


                   8      Meeting Cancelled

                  22    Meeting Cancelled


                   5      Meeting Cancelled                  19    Meeting Cancelled


                   3      Meeting Cancelled                 


Programme of Speakers 2020:


                7      Dr Alpa Shah (Author, Associate Professor, London School of Economics and Political Science)

                        "Nightmarch - Among India's Revolutionary Guerillas" [ Book shortlisted for 2019 Orwell prize

                        for Political Writing]

              14     Dr Tom Higham (Departments of Archaeological Science, Oxford University)

                        Dating Denisova - a cave in Siberia containing fossils of Neanderthal and  Denisovan hominins,

                        humankind's evolutionary cousins

              21      Dr Caroline Orchiston (Research Fellow and Deputy Director, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago)

                        The Alpine Fault - disaster planning and preparedness

              28      No Meeting


                6      Dr Yoram Barak (Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Consultant Psychogeriatrician, University of Otago)

                        Successful Ageing - Part 2                         

              13     Professor Neil Gemmell (Department of Anatomy, University of Otago)

                        Using eDNA to study the Biodiversity of Loch Ness and other settings


              10      Dr Charles Higham (Emeritus Professor, Department of Archaeology, University of Otago)

                        How does a state originate? Climate change and the Angkor Civilisation

              24      Dr Brigit Mirfin-Veitch (Director, Donald Beasley Institute)

                        Transformative disability research - past, present and future


                7      Paul Pope (Chair, Otago Peninsula Community Board)

                        The Otago Peninsula - Paradise Lost and Found


                2      Professor Terence Doyle (Department of Medicine, University of Otago)

                        The Medical Mind of Shakespeare

              16      Angus Henderson (Head Prefect, Otago Boys High School)

                        A High Schooler's perspective of education in 2020

              30      Emeritus Professor Warren Tate (Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago)

                        Living as a senior with COV-19: how will it transform our lives and our society?


              13      Dr Thomas McLean (Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Otago)

                        Finding a forgotten artist: the life and works of Alice Mary Chambers

              27      Murray Lopdell-Lawrence (Manager, Bequests, Development and Alumni Relationships, University of Otago)

                        Coming Full Circle: A Kiwi's Journey Home


              11     Jonathan Usher (Magician, Comedian and Speaker)

                       A Christmas Special


Programme of Speakers 2019:


             15        Marian Hobbs (Retired former teacher, New Zealand Labour Party MP 1996-2008,

                        former Cabinet Minister)

                       Are the proposed changes to school leadership and management needed?

            22       Rhys Millar (Environmental Consultant, Member of NZ Institute of Forestry, Trustee of Otago Peninsula

                       Biodiversity Group)

                       Predator Free Dunedin - joining up efforts to reinvigorate New Zealand's wildlife capital


               1       Patrick Hanger (Sales Manager, Action Engineering, Dunedin)

                         A local company competing with the Big Guns

                8       Greg Mirams (Managing Director, Techion)

                         Taking on the world from Dunedin

              15       Phil Bishop (Professor, Department of Zoology, University of Otago)

                         The University of Otago goes to the jungle

              22      Greg Jolly (General Manager, Tuapeka Gold Print)

                         Tuapeka a great little compnay now a "great" big company

              29      Annual General Meeting



                5       Gil Barbezat (Emeritus Professor of Medicine, University of Otago, and Club Member)

                         Asbestos: the cost of putting Profit before Principles

              12       Philip Temple (Author)

                         Life as a Novel - Chasing the Truth [Biography of Maurice Shadbolt]

              19       GOOD FRIDAY - no meeting

              26       Michael Goldsmith (Director of GHC Consulting Ltd)

                        Tsunami Awareness and Preparedness Project: Rawa Indah Village, Indonesia


                3      Rafe Maclean (Rafe Maclean Architects)

                        Passive Houses

              10      David Robinson (Dunedin Coroner)

                        The Role of a Coroner

              17      Right Reverend Dr Steven Benford  (Anglican Bishop of Dunedin)

                        What being a Bishop Entails

              24      Dr Janet Stephenson (Director, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago)

                         10 Ways to adjust your lifestyle to reduce gas emissions

              31      Averil Pierce (Founder, CEO and Counsellor at ChatBus)

                         Children - Our Greatest Treasure


                7      Dr Margot Skinner (Deputy Dean, School of Physiotherapy, University of Otago)

                        Physiotherapy: a Profession Always on the Move

              14      Professor John Broughton (Departments of Diagnostic and Surgical Sciences, and Preventive

                        and Social Medicine, University of Otago)

                        He Kete Matauranga: a Basket of Knowledge

              21      Mac Gardner (Medicial Geneticist, Honorary Member of Clinical Genetics Group, University of Otago)

                        The double-edged sword of the double helix; or, the pros and cons of getting your DNA tested

              28      Anne Harlow (Humanities Collection Manager, Otago Museum)

                         The Call of Collecting


                5      Dr Craig Grant (Director, Visitor Experience & Science Engagement, Otago Musuem)

                        Otago Museum Science Outeeach - Taking Science to the Country

              12      Jane Avery (Fashion Designer/Artisan Maker,  Lapin)

                        Regarding Fur - transforming New Zealand wild rabbits into eco-couture

              19      John Burton  (Club Member, President 2011)

                        Burtons in Ireland 1610 to 1932

              26      Jared Smith (Events and Tour Manager, Otago Chocolate Company)

                        The Otago Chocolate Company


                2      Alan Jackson (Club Member)

                        The not so secret Free Masonry

                9      Daphne Lee (Honorary Associate Professor, Department of Geology, University of Otago)

                        Foulden Marr Treasure Trove

              16      Rochell Fox  (Mobile Service Co-ordinator, Disability Information Service, Otago)

                        Information, Resources and Equipment

              23      Drs John and Anna Holmes (Club Members)

                        Ayurdevic Medicine - Rediscovering the Humours in South India and Sri Lanka

              30      Professor Rachael Taylor (Research Professor, Department of Medicine, University of Otago)

                         Research on Child Obesity



                6      Dr Len Wakefield (Pathologist)

                        The role of a Coronial Pathologist

               13     Kathy Grant (Southern District Health Board Commissioner)

                        The role of a Commissioner

              20      Tianyi Lu  (Guest Conductor, Dunedin Symphony Orchestra)

                        "Open ears - open heart"

              27      Associate Professor Yoram Barak (Consultant Psychogeriatrician, Department of Psychological Medicine,

                        University of Otago)

                        Successful Ageing


                4      Dr Lynley Hood (Freelance Author and Researcher)

                        Peter Ellis v The Queen: a bewildered layperson's guide

               11     Dr Judith Collard (Department of History and Art History, University of Otago)

                        The Lindisfarne Gospels and other Anglo-Saxon manuscripts

              18      Anne Stevens  (Barrister and Queen's Counsel)

                        The work of the Howard League for Penal Reform

              25      Diane Brown (Writer and Teacher)

                        Why write about your life?


                1      John Clarkson (Club President)

                        What every grandparent should know about childhood ADHD and ASD

                8      Roger McElwain (Chief Executive Officer, Language Centre and Foundation Year, University of Otago)

                        An Education for Life

               15      Dr Tony Garry

                         The story behind why the Otago online MBA is ranked 13th in the world by QS UniversityRankings

               22      Harry Bradshaw


                  29     Malcolm McQueen

                         Reflections on Mountain Experience


                 6     Christmas Luncheon (final meeting for year)

                           Musical Presentation by Logan Park High School (classical music and jazz)


Programme of Speakers 2018:


                    9     Ross Grimmett (Club Member)

                           Transcription of World War 1 Diaries and Letters (a Hocken Library project)

                  16     Naomi Miller (Author)

                           Family History Writing

                  23     Grant Dodson (Chief Executive Officer, City Forests Ltd)

                           The Forestry Industry in New Zealand and local developments


                   2      Brian Miller (Writer, Publisher and Photographer)

                           Self Publishing: sketching and cycling

                  9      Anindya Sen (Lecturer, Department of Accountancy and Finance, University of Otago)

                          Who drove the financial meltdown and where are they now?

                 16     Margaret Gibbs (Club Member)

                          Living with Fossils (not the human ones!)

                 23     Annual General Meeting and Al Robinson (Club President)

                         Carmalt Jones - our Polymath

                 30     Good Friday - No Meeting


                   6      Ioan Bramhall (Production and Facilities Manager, Fortune Theatre)

                           Set design and construction

                  13     Peter Bodeker (former Chief Executive, Otago Regional Council)

                           Dairy cows and the environment

                  20     Craig Simpson (Regional Co-ordinator, New Zealand Landcare Trust)

                           Pathway for the Pomohaka

                  27     Austen Banks (Club Member)

                           A potage of poets                        


                   4      Lorraine Isaacs (Club Member, international volunteer working on archaeological sites in Israel)

                           Digging up the Past - Excavating in Israel

                  11     James Maclaurin (Professor, Department of Philosophy, University of Otago)

                           AI and Responsibility - Investigating the implications of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution

                  18     Mona Tavakoli (Born in Iran)

                               A Persian New Day

                  25     Anna Campbell (Managing Director, AbacusBio)

                           Striving to innovate in food production - what does it take and how can we make the boat go faster?           


                   1      Norcombe Barker (Executive Director, Larnach Castle)

                           50 years of guardianship of the castle and the link to Otago University

                   8      Graham Crombie (Deputy Commissioner, Southern District Health Board)

                           Governance challenges and other city issues

                 15      Dr Lisa Argilla (Wildlife Veterinarian)

                           Dunedin's Wildlife Hospital

                 22      No meeting

                 29      Steve Rushbrook (Otago Harbourmaster)

                           My role in Otago and how I arrived at this point in my career


                   6      Dr Barrie Peake (Retired, Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                           A tale of two chemicals: neurotoxin and fire fighting foam

                  13     Dame Elizabeth Hanan (Club Member)

                           Scottish tea planters of the Indian Raj - a family history

                  20     Chris Boyd (Club Secretary, former Greyhound Racing Owner, Trainer and Steward)

                                 The pursuit of the noble greyhound in history and art

                  27     Dr Carla Meledandri  (Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                           Nanomaterials for dental applications. From innovation to commercialization     


                     3    Nicholas McBryde (Director, Arts Destival Dunedin 2018)

                           Something for everyone: the Dunedin 2018 Arts Festival

                        10    Richard Higham (Club Member)

                           Gems, Gundecks and Growing Up

                   17    David Smith (Mariner, member of Antipodes Island rodent eradication team)

                           Mice, men and pigs - restoring the balance on our islands

                   24    Patricia Payne (Internationally-acclaimed Opera Singer)

                           More stories from the Opera Houses of the World

                   31    Jim Cowie (Scott Base Operations Manager)

                           Living in the Antarctic - some very chilly recollections


                     7    John McDermott (Retired Journalist, former TVNZ Otago Bureau Chief)

                           Tales from the Telly - reflections on a 45 year career

                        14    Shelagh Murray (Director of Development and Alumni Relations, University of Otago)

                           University of Otago - 150 years of alumni engagement and philanthropy

                   21    Dr Sam Lind (Science and Operations Director, Oritain)

                           Out of the lab and into the supply chain - commercialising science for the food exporter

                   28    Professor Iain Lamont (Department of Biochemistry, University of Otago)

                           Superbugs - what are they and should we be worried?


                     5    Tony Williams (Master Goldsmith and Jeweller)

                           A lifetime in the making

                        12    Alistair Gilmour (Gilmour Automotive and EV Cars)

                           Electric Cars: how good are they? Ask an owner

                   19    Judith Cowley (Club member)

                           Procedures, and some curious tales of love, lies and laughter in Otahuhu Disputes Tribunal 1990-1999

                   26    Rachel Zajac (Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Otago)

                           Bias: What your brain does when you're not looking


                     2    Alan Jackson  (Club Member)

                           Robert Burns - An Appreciation

                    9    Jeanette Trotman (Club Member)

                           574,035 stitches and counting - A history of New Zealand in stitch

                   16    Luke Easton (PhD Student, Department of Zoology, University of Otago)

                           Are there more robins? How do we know? The Orokonui ac-count

                   23    Marian Weaver (Musical Director. Lead and member of Dunedin Harmony Chorus)

                          The History of Barber Shop music - plus a special performance

                   30    Professor Mark Henaghan (Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                          What I learned teaching Law at Otago


                    7    Christmas Luncheon (final meeting for year)


Programme of Speakers 2017:


                 10       John Hollows (Aquaculture Manager, Keewai)

                           Commercial Fishing of Freshwater Crayfish in Otago/Southland Forests

                 17      Ross Grimmett (Club Member)

                           A tale of two letters: the story of Captain George Bennett, Royal Engineers, in New Zealand in the

                           early 1830s

                 24     Annaloes de Groot (Carers' Society Otago)

                          "Who cares?"


                   3     Sue Maturin (Otago/Southland Central Regional Conservation and Volunteer Manager, Forest & Bird)

                          Nature in Crisis

                   10    Heleen Du Plessis (Senior Lecturer in Cello, Department of Music, University of Otago)

                          Travels with my Cello

                   17    Jonathan Cweorth (Trustee, Southern Heritage Trust; Founder Dunedin Medieval and Renaissance Society)

                          Pulling the Strings - Experiments in Puppetry

                  24    Christina Hulbe (Professor and Dean of the School of Surveying, University of Otago)

                          Antarctica West Ice Sheet, Sea Level Rise and You

                  31     Annual General Meeting and Dr Bryce Edwards (Department of Politics, University of Otago)

                           Trump This! a Political Commentary


                   7     Ian Griffin (Director, Otago Museum)

                          Chasing the Aurora Australis, above and beyond New Zealand

                 14     Good Friday - No meeting

                 21     Richard Roberts (Chief Executive, Dunedin Airport)

                          Shark Attacks off the Otago Coast

                28      Daniel Kossov (International Conductor) and

                          Robert Orr (Principal Oboe, New Zealand Symphony Orchestra)

                          Our lives in music                                  


                   5     Barbara Brookes (Professor, Department of History, University of Otago)

                          New Zealand Women: Generations of Change

                 12     Dave Warren (Professional Practice Fellow, Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                          Have Chemistry will Travel - students experience a new culture

                 19    Paul Naidu (Director, English Language Partners, Dunedin Branch)

                          Assisting Refugees and Immigrants to improve their English

                 26      Alexander Trapeznik (Associate Professor, Department of History and Art History,

                          University of Otago)

                          Dunedin adopts and adapts to the motor car, 1901-1930                             


                   2     Simon Cox (Structural Geologist, GNS Science)

                          Earthquakes in the South Island of New Zealand

                   9    Debra Waters (Associate Professor, Director of Gerontology Research, University of Otago)

                         Age-related body composition changes - impacts on physical function and frailty, and effective interventions

                 16     Louise Parr-Brownlie (Department of Anatomy, University of Otago)

                          Chronic Pain 

                 23    Sean Brosnahan (Curator, Toitu Otago Settlers Museum)

                          Journey to Lan Yuan - in search of Otago's Chinese connections

                 30    Sarah Hook (Professor, School of Pharmacy, University of Otago)

                          Why vaccines are good and how we make them even better


                  7    Phil Seddon (Director Wildlife Management Programme, Department of Zoology, University of Otago)

                        Restoring species in a changing world

                14    Anna Petersen (Curator of Photographs,  Hocken Library, University of Otago)

                         Treasures from the Hocken Photographic Collection

                21     Paul Pope (Dunedin Amenities Society)

                         Craigieburn - a Scottish Subsistence and Conservation Legacy 

                28    Barry Stewart (Editor Otago Daily Times and Editor in Chief Allied Press)

                          Journalism - the future


                  4    Rosi Crane (Honorary Curator, Otago Museum)

                        Skeletons in the Attic

                11    Peter Stupples (Senior Lecturer in Art History and Theory, Otago Polytechnic

                        Visiting Vologda: a long short story

                18     Pieter du Plessis (Landscape and Events Photographer)

                         Diplomat to Photographer 

                25    No meeting (Cancelled)


                   1     Harlene Hayne (Vice Chancellor, University of Otago)

                         Universty of Otago: Past, Present and Future

                   8    Barry Weston (Dunedin Artist, Model Maker and Book Illustrator)

                         Sculpting heads, dinosaurs, ships and space craft

                 15     Ali Clarke (Hocken Collections Assistant, Library, University of Otago)

                          A New History for the University 

                 22    Sue Bidrose (Chief Executive, Dunedin City Council)

                          Visiting the United Nations

                 29    Mark Henaghan (Dean, Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                          An interesting point or two


                  6    Graham Batts (Retired Engineer, former Managing Director or Scott Technology)

                        Robots and the Future of Work

                13    Kate Morgan (Sales Advisor, Frances Hodgkins Retirement Village)

                        Is a retirement village right for me?

                20    Judith Cowley (Club Member)

                        Living in  Turkey 1962 

                27    Rachel Brazil (Employment Law Specialist, Rachel Brazil Law)

                        Employment law: what went wrong?


                  3    Barbara Bridger (Chief Executive, Otago Community Trust)

                        History of the Otago Community Trust

                10    David Hutchinson (Director of the Dodd-Walls Centre for Photonic & Quantum Technologies)

                        An overview of the Dodd-Walls Centre

                17    Robert Morris (Director, Collections and Research, Otago Museum)

                        Copper production in Iron Age Cyprus: the excavations of Ayia Varvara-Almyras 

                24    Kyle Murdoch (CEO, Natural History New Zealand)

                        Forty years of Natural History film making in New Zealand


                  1    Jim Flynn (Emeritus Professor of Politics, University of Otago)

                        No place to hide: Have we already lost control of climate change?

                  8    Lois Johnston (Classical Soprano Soloist and Vocal Teacher) and

                        Helen Webby (Principal Harp with the Christchurch Symphony and Harp Teacher)

                        A musical performance


Programme of Speakers 2016:


12     David Murray with Maurice Hayward (Hocken Collections, University of Otago)

Digitised Film Treasures of the Hocken

19      Fatima McKague (PhD candidate, Centre for Sustainability, University of Otago)

Fuel Poverty in New Zealand

26      Doug MacKenzie (Department of Geology, University of Otago)

Folding, faulting and the Macraes Gold Mine, New Zealand


 4     Cathy Rufaut (Project Manager, Otago Peninsula Biodiversity Group)

Practicalities of possum control on the Otago Peninsula

11      Alan Jackson (Secretary, Archibald Baxter Memorial Trust)

A memorial to a brave man

18      Annual General Meeting - Guest Speaker Club Member Richard Higham

It could have been a real disaster

25      Good Friday - no meeting


 1    Jeanette Trotman (Fabric Artist and Club Member)

The Tapestry Project, the story of New Zealand in Stitch

 8      Geoff Adams (Retired Journlist)

Frightened in Russia

15      Ron Palenski (Historian, Journalist and Writer)

The importance of Sport to New Zealand

22      David Bell (Associate Professor, Department of Education, University of Otago)

          Inside the Floating World (Japanese Prints)

29     Jocelyn Harris (Emerita Professor)

                           Jane Austen, the Burneys and the Death of Captain Cook


                  6       Brian Moloughney (Professor, Department of History, University of Otago)

                           The Tibetan Challenge

                 13      John Hale (Department of English, University of Otago, Columnist Otago Daily Times)

                           Writing WordWays

                 20      Gregor Macaulay (Admissions and Enrolment Administrator, University of Otago)

                           A Brief Introduction to Heraldry in New Zealand

                 27      Vincent O'Sullivan and Roger Collins (Writer and Poet and Friend)

                           Vincent O'Sullivan in Conversation


                  3       Tudor Caradoc-Davies (Beekeeper)

                           Bees and Honey on the Peninsula

                 10      Carol Grant (UN Convenor Presbyterian Women Aotearoa New Zealand)

                           From inside the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women

                 17     Paul Le Comte (Dunedin Photographer)

                           Photographing the Otago night sky

                 24      Nicky Page (Director of City of Literature)

                           Sharing and Partnership - Dunedin and the UNESCO Creative Cities Network


 1      Danny Knudson (Historian and Writer)

Women of Skippers

 8      Chris Staynes (Deputy Mayor, Dunedin City Council)

Update on Council Planning

15      Irene Ceccato (PhD Student, University of Pavia, Italy)

Theory of Mind: what we think about others thoughts and feelings

22      Jonathon Hendry (Director, Fortune Theatre)

          Work to date and plans for the Fortune Theatre

29     Rua McCallum (Public Programmes Co-ordinator, Toitu Settlers Museum)

                           Creating Bi-Cultural Theatre using Southern Maori Creation Narratives


                  5       Austen Banks (Director, Engineering Consultants Ltd)

                           Industry Training - How does it assist society?

                 12      Nancy Longnecker (Professor, Centre for Science Communication, University of Otago)


                 19      Don Mackenzie (General Practitioner)

                           The future of General Practice

                 26      Joyce Whyman (Club Member)

                           St John Ambulance


                  2      Nicholas McBryde  (Director, Arts Festival Dunedin)

                           The 2016 Arts Festival Dunedin

                  9      Mary Ronnie (Retired Librarian and Club Member)

                           Books for the People

                 16      Anne Thomson (Associate Minister, First Church, Director of Urban Co-housing Otepoti Ltd)

                           Co-housing project on site of old High Street School

                 23      Max Lowrey (Club Member)

                           My life in Photography

                 30     Kate Kennedy (Research Fellow in Life Writing, Wolfson College, Oxford)

                          First World War Poet/Composer Ivor Gurney and the Sounds of Battle


                  7      Tony Moore  (Senior Lecturer, Geographical Information Science, University of Otago)

                           Sea Lion Habitat Modelling: Where could breeding colonies exist in Otago/Southland?

                 14      Judith Sligo (Researcher, Dunedin Multidisciplinary Healthe & Development Research Unit,

                           University of Otago)

                           The complexity, diversity and dynamic nature of New Zealand children's family lives

                 21      Marian Weaver (Resource Manager Procedures and Protocols, Otago Regional Council)

                           25 Years of the Resource Management Act

                 28      Lisa Matisoo-Smith (Professor of Biological Anthropology, Department of Anatomy, University of Otago)

                           Following the Phoenicians. An ancient DNA approach


                  4      Marcelo Rodriguez Ferrere (Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                           Animals, Ethics and the Law

                 11      Cecilia Mickelsen (Art Director, FE29: The Art lab)

                           The real value of Art

                 18      Jack Rutherford (Retired Primary School Principal, Member VICTA)

                          Living with Low Vision

                 25      Keith Scott (Director, Globe Theatre)

                           Making Mary Stuart, an old play for a new audience


                  2      Patricia Payne (Opera Singer)

                           Opera and Icons

                  9      Margaret Lindsay (Club Member)

                           How would you like to spend Christmas on Christmas Island?


Programme of Speakers 2015:


          13     Warwick Jordan (Owner, Hard to Find Books But Worth the Effort)

                    Ramblings from the Book Trade

          20      Fred van Brandenburg (Founder, Architecture van Brandenburg)


          27      Angela Middleton (Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Otago)

                    Pewhairangi - Bay of Islands CMS Missions and Maori 1814-1845


           6     Philip Temple (Author)

                  "Will Dunedin be like this?"

          13      Neville Peat (Author and Photographer)

                   Ernest Shackleton, "The Boss" his whiskey and Dunedin

          20      Lynley Hood (Scientist, scholar and author)

                    Making peace with the past: another chapter in the story of Minnie Dean

          27     Annual General Meeting and guest speaker Brian Robinson

                    Tertiary Education in Saudi Arabia


            3      Good Friday - no meeting

          10      Antony Braithwaite (Professor, Department of Pathology, University of Otago)

                    Cancer - when surveillance and repair fail

          17     Khaled Greish (Department of Pharnacology and Toxicology, University of Otago)

                    Anticancer Nano-medicine:  a story of 30 years of research

          24     Sue Bidrose (CEO, Dunedin City Council)

                    Eighteen months at the DCC


           1        Mary Ronnie (Retired Librarian and Club Member)

                     A Parcel of Rogues in a Nation

           8       Cordelia Black (Writer, Poet, Scholar & Publisher)

                    How imagery and myth work across cultural boundaries and the language barrier

         15      Jason Cushen (Manager, Student International Services, University of Otago)

                   International Student Exchanges

         22      Nyssa Mildwaters (Conservation Manager, Otago Museum)

                   Damage, Displays and Disasters: Conserving Museum Collections

         29     Drs Anna and John Holmes (Retired doctors and Club Members)

                   An interesting journey


           5     Jenny Bryant-Tokalau (Associate Professor, Te Tumu, School of Maori, Pacific and Indigenous Studies,

                 University of Otago)

                 Unraveling the complexities of Fiji's urban land

          12      Marian Hobbs (Educationalist)

                    Why we should see the roads NOT to take in education - a comparison between English and NZ 'experiments'

          19      Robert Patman (Professor, HOD Politics, and Co-Director of University of Otago Foreign Policy School)

                    The role and impact of the University of Otago's Foreign Policy School 1966-1976

          26     Tanea Paterson (Researcher)

                    Ibogaine. Is it the answer to addiction and Parkinson's?


           3        Cindy Diver (Director, Theatreworks and Interact)

                     The keys are in the margarine: an approach to social theatre using the University of Otago's

                     ground-breaking verbatim technique

          10      Jennifer Evans (Director, Toitu Otago Settler's Museum)

                    Dunedin Chinese Garden

          17      Sue Walthert (Ex-GP, Medical School Teacher)

                    Cancer Survivorship, the Bridge to Health Programme

          24      Ian Chapman (Senior Exutant Lecturer in Contemporary Music, University of Otago)

                    The importance of David Bowie

          31     Donald Kerr (Special Collections Librarian, University of Otago)

                   Hocken: Prince of Collectors


           7        Dan Reddiex (Rector, Kings High School)

                     Building Men

          14      Mark Ryan (Manager, Summerset)

                    Summerset at Bishopscourt

          21      Christine Jasoni (Associate Professor, Department of Anatomy, Brain Health Research Centre,

                    University of Otago)

                    Mum's the word. How a mother's body weight during pregnancy can elevate her baby's later life

                    risk of neurological disease

          28      Eva Gluyas (Manager, workSpace, Centre for Research Expertise CoRE Co-ordinator Innovation,

                    Otago Polytechnic)

                    Design Thinking: a tool to change the world or just another fad?


           4       Jennifer Evans (Director, Toitu Otago Settlers' Museum)

                    Digital Resources at Toitu Otago Settlers' Museum

          11      Paul Fawcett (Associate Professor (Hon.), School of Pharmacy, University of Otago)

                    Manchuria - the Crucible of Modern China

          18     David Sim (Lawyer, Downie Stewart, Dunedin)

                  The Magna Carta

         25      Helen Nicholson (Deputy Vice-Cancellor, External Engagement, University of Otago)

                  Journeys to (and from) the end of the world: from medicine to external engagement


          2        Rob W. Zaagman (Netherlands Ambassador to New Zealand)

                    New Zealand and the Netherlands - far apart and yet so close

          9       Neil Harraway (Owner, Monarch Wildlife Ltd)

                   Wild Stories - From global documentaries to Dunedin wildlife tourism

         16      Anna Campbell (Managing Director, Abacus Bio Ltd)

                   Bridging Science and Business

          23      Phillippa Duffy (General Manager, University Book Shop Otago)

                    Boiled sweets, Books, Rooms and Bookselling - a sweet little history of the University Bookshop

          30     Hon. Pete Hodgson (Chairman, Otago Innovation Ltd)

                  Commercialising the ideas of academics at the University of Otago - failure or success


           6       Peter Stupples (Art Historian)

                    Piotr Vaulin: Architectural Ceramics in St Petersburg

          13      Lyall Hanton (Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                    Joseph Mellor: the Peter Pan of Ceramics

          20     John Broughton (Professor, School of Dentistry, University of Otago)

                   William Shakespeare and Dental Research

          27      Peter Bodkin (Club Member)

                   Guadalcanal - the Turning Point of the Pacific War


          4      Ross Grimmett (Club President)

                  The Art of Music: "If music be the food of art paint on"

Programme of Speakers 2014:


          14         Phillipa Duffy (Manager, University Book Shop)

                       The Book Window: inside and outside perspectives on the role and reality of contemporary bookselling

          21         Robyne Selbie (National Aspiring Principals Programme)

                       Primary School Leadership in the 21st Century

           28        Robin Gauld (Professor of Health Policy, University of Otago)

                       Reflections on New Zealand's Health Care System at its 75th Anniversary


             7          Ian Griffin (Director, Otago Museum)

                         Inspiring Curiosity; the past, present and future of the Otago Museum

          14          John Barsby (Retired Professor, Department of Classics, University of Otago)

                        George Samuel Sale: Otago's first Professor of Classics

           21         Gio Angelo (Film Maker)

                        Making Movies from Home

           28         AGM – Ross Grimmett (Club Member)

                        The Vulgar Errors of Sir Thomas Browne


              4        Carla Meledandri (Lecturer, Department of Chemistry, University of Otago)

                        Silver Nanoparticles for treating Tooth Decay

            11         Rex Ahdar (Professor, Faculty of Law, University of Otago)

                        Religious Liberty in the West

            18         Good Friday - No Meeting

            25        Anzac Day - No Meeting


               2         Maureen Howard (Sustainable Living Facilitator, Dunedin City Council)

                          Shopping with Sustainability in Mind: Making your own cleaners for house and car                          

               9         Cally McWha (Owner-Operator, Hilltop on High Street Bed and Breakfast)

                          From Lawyer to B&B Host...From Auckland to Dunedin

             23         Trevor Bolt (Dunedin North Franchise Owner)

                          Driving Miss Daisy

             30         Anthony Ritchie (Associate Professor, Department of Music, Universityof Otago

                          along with Bella Hristova (guest violinist for the Southern Sinfonia)

                         Creating a Violin Concerto - composer and performer speak


               6           Craig Rodger (Professor, Department of Physics, University of Otago)

                            Global Lightning Observations from Dunedin

              13          Nigel Bamford (CEO Escea Gas Fires Limited)

                            Manufacturing is still a very important part of the Dunedin economy

              20         Keith Jeffery (Club Member)

                           Pioneering Surgeons in Victorian Dunedin - Trials and Tribulations

              27         Chris Green (Director, International Science Festival)

                            Leaving Boring Behind


                4           Deborah Manning (CEO, Foodshare)

                            Rescuing Food - Nourishing Communities

               11          Dave Hanan (Environmental Engineer, Delta)

                            What happens to your waste

               18         Ashley Day (Warden, Te Rangi Hiroa College)

                            Changes in University Residential Accommodation

               25         Amanda Brosnan (Lt-Col, Comanding Officer, 2/4 Royal New Zealand Infantry Regiment)

                            Army Reserve Service in New Zealand and Afghanistan


                 1        Peter Bodeker (CEO, Otago Regional Council)

                           Balancing Economics and Environmental Considerations

                 8       Geoff Noller and Tanea Paterson (Research Consultant and Treatment Provider)

                          Developing a new treatment for opiate modality dependence in New Zealand

                15     Tony Merriman (Associate Professor of Biochemistry, University of Otago) 

                         Gout Related Issues

                22      Gil Barbezat (Club Past President)

                          Greenland in the Melting Pot

                29      Michael Macknight (CEO, ADInstruments)

                         ADInstruments: who are they?


                 5        Elaine Webster (Director, Summer School and Coninuing Education, University of Otago)

                          Lifelong learning at Otago: reinvention

                12      Nicholas McBryde (Director, Arts Festival, Dunedin

                          The 2014 Arts Festival, Dunedin

                19     Hamish McKeich (Musician and Orchestral Conductor)  

                         So what does a conductor do?

                26     Karyn Paringatai (Te Tumu - School of Maori Pacific and Indigenous Studies)

                        What we can learn in the dark


                3        Florence Stone

                          Life aboard a nautical youth hostel: what it is really like on a container ship

              10       Tom Brooking (Professor, History and Art History, University of Otago))

                         Impact of World War 1 on Dunedin

               17     Robbie Ellis (Mozart Fellow 2012, University of Otago) 

                         Emigrating to Chicago: the smartest or stupidest decision of my life?

               24      John Drummond (Emeritus Professor of Music)

                        Music of the Goldfields

               31     David Wall (Professional Photographer)

                       African Safari


               7        Janice Lord (Department of Botany, University of Otago)

                        Graham Strong (Otago Innovation Ltd

                        Phone App for Native Plants

             14       Robert Fields

                        Henry VIII's Warship: the Mary Rose

             21       Kimberley Hageman (Department of Chemistry, University of Otago) 

                        Predicting pesticide volatilization from soils

             28      Dr Elizabeth Whitcombe (Club Member)

                       Piltdown Man


               5      Ross Grimmett (Club Vice President)

                      "The Fourth Wise Man was late"

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